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경기도 파주시 탄현면 헤이리마을길 48-12
heyri village road 48-12, tan hyen myen, pa ju city,
gyeng gi do, south korea
CA 10859
TEL. 82-31-941-4115
FAX. 82-31-941-4215

평일 pm 12:00 - pm 6: 30 ( 6 : 00 시 까지 입장가능)
주말 pm 12:00 - pm 7: 00 ( 6 : 30 시 까지 입장가능)
월요일, 추석당일, 설날 당일 휴무
open - close   am. 11:00 - pm. 19:00  (Closed on Monday)

In Heyri Art valley, where the nature, culture and nature are breathing together, Gallery Jireh was established March, 2009 with beginning of opening exhibition ‘Artist Sukhyun Min’.
In the mean time, we have been trying to make the artworks of doyens, artist of medium and young artists to communicate with spectators.
We are going to show various themes and genres in our exhibitions and also seeking exhibitions which can experience the past, present and future together.
Furthermore, in Gallery Jireh, various projects and programs for growth of Korean art and enlarging base of Korean art circles are now in progress.

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